View Full Version : hi

21-11-2003, 03:15 PM
hey everybody my name is mariam iam a civil engineer student. i joined ur group a while ago but i didnt have the chance to answer it.

21-11-2003, 03:20 PM
hey ya roma,
by the way, every body that is my best friend mariam she is in the same colllege of me but she study civil engineering. She is cool a bout the science also.

welcome to the group marmar
hope u having fun
ur best buddy
mariam got:)( (kill:

21-11-2003, 04:01 PM
أبشروا يا قوم لقد إنضم إلينا إثنتان من الأخوات المريمات .... مريم بنت سيفيل... ومريم بنت ناسا بن كوبتيك.... كمان

مرحبا بكما فى ديارنا..ياهلا ياهلا...

got:)( (kill:

21-11-2003, 04:32 PM
I ' am also a civil engineering Student (final year ) , If you need anything or reports , only send me a private message.

21-11-2003, 05:25 PM
enty ya bet mob5ata, i hope all people are with me in Aerospace come on people it is not that hard lol
just focus brain

welcome again ya mariam
i will see u tomorrow in the church youth meeting
i am sure u will need them in ur engineering class

21-11-2003, 06:14 PM
You are more than welcome both Mariams "M & M's" we wish you get involved immediatly - no time to warm up

It seems that the forum is for engineers - Forum Shahadat

العبد الفقير لله ـ أعوذ بالله من كلمة أنا

Mechanical Engineer - Since a long time ago

21-11-2003, 06:37 PM
i am studying mechincial engineer too can i pm u if i have a questions in the engineering classes or not?? in fact i am a double major (Aerospace and mechinical engineer)

we have to be a double major if u go to the university website www.asu.edu u will find it is adouble major.

i already posted lots of stuff a bout 3asr el estnsa5 and a bout clombia space shuttle

mariam will post lots of stuff too i am sure of that she is open minded person

Thanks ya 3am for welcoming me we enta 3ala rasy ya sedia, e7na lena barka 3'eer el mechnicya lol iam just kidding, iam like u too lol

23-11-2003, 07:19 AM
هما كل البنات اللى فى المنتدى اسمهم مريم ولا ايه

24-11-2003, 02:35 PM
enta tetol
two mariam's mara wa7da

29-11-2003, 07:26 PM
welcome mariam how r u doing
i'm new here to
or a little in posting replays

ana baah fey commerce univ (DOK:)
ya3ney mosh 3aref aya 7aga men elley bettkalemoh 3aleha
bas ana baaol raben youstor we de7'ol el forum mayebaash be elshahadat el rasmia

(bay:)) (bay:))