View Full Version : So........now why woman & girls mostly doesn't cover their hair in Kenisa?

07-03-2008, 01:45 PM
Hello..................all my Buddies...........something make crash on my pre-historic brain.................

Now when you go kenisa....in US (anyplace, i mean most of the kenisas) .............why the women and girls..............and babies................doesn't cover their hair in the all Liturgy? in the Holy Mass ?

Well i mean..............................if you go nice and with expensives clothing to a weeding, a baptize, or any another, social Coptic event....(of course everyone cover for social event)..............

LEE, LEE, LEE..............in Kenisa, now the women doesn't cover their hair? i think this is unrespectfull to GOD MY LORD JESUS, the ABOUNA and the all people in the Kenisa.

I know all of yours will trow me )tik:}for what i will say know, but .............why we have to lost our values.................i don't care you from Scandria.............or ALCahera...................or wherever place..............but think about.............this isn't unrespectfull?

Maybe later on will happen like in the Catholic Church.............a lot years ago.............must had obligation all females cover the head in the Holy Liturgy.........the Mass................until someone without Love & respect to GOD , abolished this pure ritual.

I mean..................would you like to see all our females...........without cover in their hair........only ashan we are hena in US? COMMOM! (non agree) really i'm not agree 100%. I need........................anwsers ..............please!

I know is good to live like the Western World, but LEE ?US COPTS WE HAVE TO FOLLOW THIS KIND OF VANITY , FAKE LIVE CALL "WESTERN WORLD".

Now you see all our females....................blonde................a nd.....they look like Victoria Beckman..........or Catherine Z Jones.............or like Shakira!..............ok is fine to go with the fashion............but i can't put a picture in my mind of someone................pretty nice black sexy hair..........trying to change to look like Miss America.....blondy....(without a brain).......really here in US .............and i think all over the world...........................the Egyptian Women they really lost the identity.(only for stupid (do:) regiments of "Blondy Sexy Woman" )

I don't say we have to dress with galabyeia all time...............but keep out traditions.............please special in Kenisa.............really, i mean it.

So now and then anyone reads this new post , think about.......................what is better...............see our females ................follow the right pure thing to cover their hair................or accept................this
"Westernalization" in our Kenisa..........?

For me it is like the Egyptian Copt , born here in US....................and say "oh, sorry ANNA AMERICANY..".......I'M NOT EGYPTIAN..............LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, ALWAYS HOUA MASHERY......COPTIC.
Even he want s to denied..............so sad(MM:}really....................so before trow in my post )tik:} think about my dear COPTIC FRIEND>>>>>>>>guy or girl...............I NEED ANSWERS OR REPLAYS>>>>>>>>PLEASE .............................................!



07-03-2008, 02:54 PM
Dear Ladies & youngladies
I think this guy is right. Does the church in America has different rules ???
For what reason you do not cover your hair during the holy liturgy

I think you do not have a reason except that you r proud of your dyed hair and that you do not respect the holy mass.

You have to teach your children to respect the rules of our church.

You are kindly requested to think and reconsider this matter.

10-03-2008, 03:10 PM
Thanks my dear sister in the Holy Lord JESUSCHRIST, really i'm so happy , that someone finally understand my pre-historic traditional brain ( well most of the people here in US doesn't like my thinking) (people from my native language and Country) , my dear Lucy i'm Masheria like you , but i'm not born in Egypt ..............but i'm happy ashan i'm Coptic, really.............by the way i'm a bent a girl no guy, sorry.............really, please tell to our people overthere , that if one day they planning to coming to US, or Europe or..............anyplace , please, please "TELL THEM : DON'T LET CHANGE NO ONE YOUR RELIGIOUS VALUES AND THE PURE CHRISTIANITY THAT GOD MAKE AND PUT IN OUR HEARTS.....................FEEL PROUD THAT ALL OF YOU BORN IN THE HOLY NAME OF THE SAVIOR THE KING , THE GOOD SHEPERD", BE PROUD TO BE COPTIC............TO BORN AND DIE IN CHIRST'.
Please many Blessings
for my all BUDDIES in MASHER!........................................... .......special my family's city:
ASSYUT>>>>>>>>>>all the cities.............and everyone.......................HAPPY GREAT LENT FAST!