View Full Version : Brutal Egyptian Government with FaceBook Actives

03-07-2008, 11:35 AM
This is a report about the Brutal Egyptian Government with young FaceBook actives in Egypt

Egypt's Facebook Face Off …. 2nd of July 2008

The video link is about the Egyptian government which tortures its own people, to protect Hosney Mubarak throne and his corrupt regime in Egypt.

The recent report by the Australian TV SBS is about the FaceBook young Egyptian actives.

Alert ...the Video may contains some scenes of torture

A funny part in this video … the reporter which is a young Australian Journalist ...is taking some snapshots of the private police man...the privet policeman is appointed by the Egyptian security forces.... to keep monitoring the journalist activities in Egypt .... The reporter of course managed to make the video under the security guard watchful eye…(BAY:)[ro}(BAY:)

Another funny comment was from the presenter (George Negus) after the video report... in a very sarcastic way…
George said ....."Egypt have just held an African summit to resolve the Zimbabwe crisis ... And everyone knows that the President of Zimbabwe was forged his elections result and recently won by a majority of 85%, after arresting and intimidating all his political opponents ....not the same as our lucky Mubarak's elections…which was also forged and shame .... but with a big 90% majority"


Congratulations Mr. Hosny Mubarak on achieving a 27 years in power with a 90% success in dictatorship. hg-t({up:)
We as Egyptians can’t wait until our new King Gimmal Mubarak to be in power with a 90% majority for the next 27-30 years as usual.....

God help Egypt ...cry

03-12-2008, 02:02 AM
For over 27 years President Mubarak has ruled with an iron fist. With protests and strikes forbidden, activists are finding new ways to fight for democracy. Through Facebook, protestors ...

Watch video on YouTube @ http://au.youtube.com/watch?v=V_tBr7MSoxQ

03-12-2008, 05:04 AM
Dear Otus
Thanks for the link - we had this topic for some time in the forum... keep up the good work

03-12-2008, 06:46 PM
Dear Otus
Thanks for the link - we had this topic for some time in the forum...

Dear El-Basha

Thanks for moving the post
keep up the good work
No problem hi:)