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jesus_4_us 10-01-2006 12:54 AM

GOD Calling

[B][COLOR="SeaGreen"][SIZE="7"][CENTER](sml21) (sml21) (sml21) INFLUENCE(sml21) (sml21) (sml21) [/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]

[B][SIZE="7"]W[/SIZE][/B]hen you come to Me, and I give you thathapbirth:) Eternal Lifehapbirth:) I give to all who believe in Me, it alters your whole existence, the words you speak, the influences you have.
These are all eternal. They must be. They spring from the life within you. My Life,hapbirth:) Eternal Life,hapbirth:) so that they too live forever. Now, you see how vast, how stupendous, is the work of any soul that has hapbirth:) Eternal Life.hapbirth:) The words, the influence, go on down the ages forever.
You must ponder on these truths I give you. They are not surface facts, but the secret ofhapbirth:) My kingdom,hapbirth:) the hidden pearls of rare price.
Meditate upon them. Work at them in your minds and hearts.

{{yawka]] {{yawka]] {{yawka]] See you tomorrow, God Willing{{yawka]] {{yawka]] {{yawka]] [/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/LEFT]

Ya Shero 10-01-2006 03:31 AM

[LEFT][B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][SIZE="5"]10)10 god bless you jesus 4 us[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/LEFT]

amoni 10-01-2006 07:21 PM

god bless your heart
it is very nice topic

jesus_4_us 10-01-2006 11:31 PM

[B][COLOR="MediumTurquoise"][LEFT][SIZE="5"] JANUARY 11[/SIZE][/LEFT][/COLOR][/B]

[B][CENTER][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="8"]hapbirth:) THE ACHE OF LOVEhapbirth:) [/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER][/B]

[LEFT][B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][SIZE="6"][B][SIZE="7"]U[/SIZE][/B]se My unlimited stores for your needs and those of others. Seek My wonderful truths and you shall find. There may come times when you sit in silence, when it seems as if you were left alone. Then,(sml21) I command you to remember I have spoken to you.(sml21)

You will have the consciousness of My Presence when you hear no voice. Abide in theat in that presence.hapbirth:) [B][COLOR="Magenta"][SIZE="8"][I]"I am the light of the world.[/I][/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]"hapbirth:) but sometimes in tender pity, I withhold too glaring a light, lest, in its dazzling brighteness, you should miss your daily path and work.

Not untilhapbirth:) Heaven is reached,hapbirth:) do souls sit and drink in the ecstasy of (sml21) God's revelation(sml21) to His Own. At the moment you are pilgrims and need only your daily marching orders, and strength and guidance for the day.

Oh! Listen to(sml21) my voice(sml21) , eagerly, joyfully. Never crowd it out. I have no rival claimants and if men seek the babble of the world, then I withdraw.

Life has hurt you. Only scarred lives can realy save.
You cannot escape the discipline. It is the hallmark of discipleship.{{yawka]] My children, trust Me always.{{yawka]] Never rebel.

The trust given to Me today, takes away the ache of rejection of My Love, that I suffrerd on Earth, and have suffered through the ages.hapbirth:) [B][COLOR="Green"][SIZE="8"] [I]" I died for you , My children, and could ye treat Me so [/I] [/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] hapbirth:) [/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/LEFT]

[CENTER]See you tomorrow, God Willing[/CENTER]{{yawka]] {{yawka]] {{yawka]] [/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]

jesus_4_us 11-01-2006 10:08 PM

[LEFT][B][COLOR="MediumTurquoise"][SIZE="5"]JANUARY[/SIZE] [SIZE="5"]12[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/LEFT]
[B][CENTER][COLOR="Purple"][SIZE="8"]hapbirth:) THANKS FOR TRIALShapbirth:) [/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER][/B]

[LEFT][B][COLOR="Magenta"][SIZE="6"][B][COLOR="Magenta"][SIZE="7"]Y[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]ou must say [B][COLOR="Teal"][SIZE="7"](sml21) "Thank You"(sml21) [/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] for everything, even seeming trials and worries.

[B][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][SIZE="6"]Joy is the whole being's attitude of "Thank You" to Me.
Be glad. Rejoice. A father loves to see his children happy.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]

[B][COLOR="DarkOrange"][SIZE="6"]I am revealing so much to you. Pass it on. Each Truth is a jewel. Some poor spirit-impoverished friend will be glad of it. Drop one here and there.{{yawka]] [/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]

[B][COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"][SIZE="6"]Seek to find a heart-home for each Truth I have imparted to you. More Truths will flow in. Use all I give you . Help others. I ache to find a way into each life and heart, for all to cry expectantly [B][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="8"]
hapbirth:) [CENTER][I]Even so, come Lord Jesus[/I]hapbirth:) [/CENTER] hapbirth:)



[CENTER][B][COLOR="Plum"][SIZE="5"]{{yawka]] {{yawka]] See you tomorrow, God Willing{{yawka]] {{yawka]] [/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/CENTER]

Safnat_Fa3nash007 12-01-2006 02:07 AM

10(): 10(): 10(): [/SIZE]

jesus_4_us 13-01-2006 01:19 AM

[FONT="Century Gothic"][I][CENTER][B][SIZE="8"][COLOR="Magenta"]hapbirth:) hapbirth:) hapbirth:) hapbirth:) hapbirth:) FRIENDShapbirth:) hapbirth:) UNSEENhapbirth:)

[FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"][LEFT][B][SIZE="6"][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Never despair, never despond. Be just a channel of helpfulness for other.

Have more sympathy. Feel more tenderness towards others. Your lives shall not be all care. [B][COLOR="Orange"][SIZE="7"]Gold[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B] does not stay in the crucible---- only until it is refined. Already I hear the music and the marching of the unseen host, rejoicing at your victory.

[COLOR="SeaGreen"][SIZE="7"]No follower of Mine would ever err or fall[/SIZE][/COLOR], if once the veil were withdrawn with prevents him seeing how these slips delight the evil spirits, and the pain and disappointment of those who long for him to conquer in My Strength and Name ,and the ecstasy of rejoicing when victory is won.

[B][COLOR="Purple"](sml21) (sml21) My Strength (sml21) (sml21) is the same as that which I conquered Satan in the Wilderness---depression and sorrow in the Garden, and even death on Calvary.[/COLOR][/B]

Think of that



[B][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][SIZE="5"][CENTER]{{yawka]] See you tomorrow, God Willing{{yawka]] [/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR][/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/CENTER][/I][/FONT][/FONT]

jesus_4_us 13-01-2006 11:38 PM

[FONT="Palatino Linotype"][B][CENTER][COLOR="Cyan"][SIZE="8"]hapbirth:) MIGHTYhapbirth:) ANDhapbirth:) MARVELOUShapbirth:) [/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER][/B]

[B][LEFT][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Green"][SIZE="7"]G[/SIZE]lad indeed are the souls with whom I walk. Walking with me is security. The coming of My Spirit into a life, and its working are imperceptible, but the result is mighty.
[COLOR="DarkOrange"]Learn of Me. Kill the self. Every blow to self is used to shape the real, eternal, imperishable you.
[COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Be very candid and rigorous with yourselves. ”Did self prompt that?” and if it did, oust it at all costs.
[COLOR="Red"][I]When I died on the (sml21) (sml21) (sml21) Cross(sml21) (sml21) (sml21) I died embodying all the human self. Once that was crucified, I could conquer even death.[/I]
[COLOR="DarkGreen"]When I bore your sins in My own body on the Tree I bore the self-human nature of the world. As you too kill self, you gain the overwhelming power I released for a weary world, and you too will be victorious.
[COLOR="DarkOrchid"]It is not life and its difficulties you have to conquer, only the self in you. As I said to My disciples, [SIZE="7"][I][COLOR="Magenta"]“I have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now”[/COLOR][/I][/SIZE] You could not understand them. {{yawka]] But as you go on obeying Me and walking with Me, and listening to Me, you will and then you will see how glorious, how marvelous My revelations are, and My{{yawka]] teachings{{yawka]]





{{yawka]] See you tomorrow, God Willing{{yawka]] [/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR][/B]

jesus_4_us 15-01-2006 02:08 AM

[LEFT][B][SIZE="5"][COLOR="DarkGreen"]JANUARY 15[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/LEFT]
[CENTER][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][SIZE="8"]hapbirth:)hapbirth:) RELAXhapbirth:) hapbirth:) [/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]

[COLOR="Orange"][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Green"][LEFT][B][SIZE="6"]Relax, do not get tense, have no fear. All is for the best. How can you fear change when your life is hid with(sml21) (sml21) (sml21) Me in God, who changeth not--- and I am the same yesterday, today, and forever(sml21) (sml21) (sml21) . [/COLOR]

You must learn poise, soul-balance and poise, in a vacillating, changing world.

[COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]Claim My powerhapbirth:) (sml21) hapbirth:) . The same power with which I cast out devils is yours today. Use it. If not, I withdraw it. Use it ceaselessly.[/COLOR]

[COLOR="DarkOrchid"]You cannot ask too much)noP) . Never think you are too busy. As long as you get back to Me and replenish after each task no work can be too much.hapbirth:) (sml21) My Joy I give you. Live in it.{{yawka]] Bathe your Spirit in it.hapbirth:) reflect it.



[COLOR="Sienna"][SIZE="5"][B] {{yawka]] See you tomorrow, God Willing{{yawka]] [/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]

jesus_4_us 16-01-2006 01:19 AM

[I][CENTER][COLOR="Magenta"][SIZE="8"]hapbirth:) FRIEND hapbirth:) INhapbirth:) DRUDGERYhapbirth:) [/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]

[LEFT][SIZE="6"][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][SIZE="7"]I[/SIZE]t is the daily strivings that count, not the momentary heights. {{yawka]] (sml21) The obeying of My Will day in, day out, in the wilderness plains, rather than occasional Mount of Transfiguration.{{yawka]] [/COLOR]

[COLOR="DarkOrange"]Perseverance is nowhere needed so much as in the religious life. The drudgery ofhapbirth:) Kingdom it is that secures My intimate Friendship{{yawka]] . I am the Lord(sml21) of little things. The Divine Control of little happenings.
[COLOR="Teal"]Nothing in the day is too small to be a part of My scheme. The little stone in mosaic play a big part.[/COLOR]

[COLOR="DarkOrchid"]hapbirth:) Joy in Me . Joy is the God-given cement that secures the harmony and beauty of My mosaic.


[CENTER][/SIZE][/LEFT][SIZE="6"][COLOR="DarkRed"]{{yawka]] See you tomorrow, God Willing{{yawka]] [/COLOR][/SIZE][CENTER][/CENTER][/CENTER][/I]

jesus_4_us 17-01-2006 01:22 AM


[I][CENTER][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="8"]hapbirth:) (sml21) hapbirth:) GOD’S RUSH TO GIVEhapbirth:) (sml21) hapbirth:) [/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]


[COLOR="RoyalBlue"][LEFT][SIZE="6"][SIZE="7"]S[/SIZE]ilence. Be silent before me. Seek to know, and to do My (sml21) will in all things.
[COLOR="Magenta"]Abide in My Love,hapbirth:) (sml21) hapbirth:) an atmosphere of loving under standing to all men. This is your part to carry out, and then I surround you with a protective screen that keeps all evil from you. It is fashioned by your own attitude of mind words, and deeds towards others.
[COLOR="SeaGreen"]I want to give you all things,hapbirth:) {{yawka]] hapbirth:) good measure, pressed down, and running over. Be quick to learn. You know little yet of the Divine Impatience which longs to rush to give. Does one worrying thought enter your mind, one impatient thought? Fight it at once.
[COLOR="DarkOrange"]Love(sml11) (sml21) and Trust are the solvents for the worry and cares and frets of life. Apply them at once. You are channels and though the channel may not be altogether blocked, fret and impatience and worry corrode, and in time would because beyond your help.
[COLOR="Green"]{{yawka]] (sml21) Persevere, oh! Persevere. Never lose heart. All is well[/COLOR].



{{yawka]] See you tomorrow, God Willing{{yawka]] [/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR]

jesus_4_us 17-01-2006 11:13 PM

hapbirth:) (sml21) hapbirth:) [I][CENTER][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][SIZE="8"](sml21) (sml21) FAITH-WORKS(sml21) (sml21) [/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER][/I]hapbirth:) (sml21) hapbirth:)

[I][LEFT][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Magenta"]Pray dailyhapbirth:) {{yawka]] for Faith. It is My Gift.
It is your only requisite for the accomplishment. Of mighty deeds. Certainly you have to work, you have to pray, but upon Faith alone depends the answer to your prayers—your works.

[SIZE="6"][COLOR="SeaGreen"][LEFT][I]I give it you in response to your prayer,hapbirth:) {{yawka]] (sml21) because it is the necessary weapon for you to possess for the dispersion of evil—the overcoming of all good in your of all adverse conditions, and the accomplishment of all good in your lives, and then you having Faith, give it back to Me . It is the envelope in which every request to Me should be placed.

[LEFT][I][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Blue"]And yet [SIZE="7"][COLOR="Red"]hapbirth:) (sml21) “Faith without works is dead.”hapbirth:) [/COLOR][/SIZE] So you need works, too, to feed your Faith in Me. As you seek to do, you feel your helplessness. You then turn to Me. In knowing Me, your faith grows—and that faith is all you need for My power to work.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/I][/LEFT]

[CENTER][COLOR="Purple"][SIZE="6"]{{yawka]] See you tomorrow, God Willing{{yawka]] [/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER][/I]

jesus_4_us 19-01-2006 01:34 AM


[CENTER][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="8"](sml10) hapbirth:) LOVE ANTICIPATEShapbirth:) (sml10) [/SIZE][/COLOR]

[COLOR="Green"][SIZE="7"]Lord, I will seek theehapbirth:) [/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]

[SIZE="6"][COLOR="Magenta"][LEFT][SIZE="7"]N[/SIZE]one ever sought Me in vain. I wait, wait with a hungry longing to be called upon, and I , who have already seen your hearts’ needs before you cried upon Me before perhaps you were conscious of those needs yourself, I am already preparing the answer .

[COLOR="Teal"][SIZE="6"]It is like a Mother, who is setting aside suitable gifts for her daughter’s wedding, before Love even has come into the daughter’s life.(sml23)
hapbirth:) (sml21) The Anticipatory Love of Godhapbirth:) is a thing mortals seldom realize. Dwell on this thought. Dismiss from your minds the thought of a grudging God, who had to be petitioned with sighs and tears and much speaking before reluctantly He loosed the desired treasures. Man’s thought of Me need revolutionizing.

[SIZE="6"][COLOR="DarkOrange"]Try and see a Mother preparing birthday or Christmas delights for her child—the while her Mother-heart sings:)msk:) “Will she not love that? How she will love this?”(@:) and anticipates the rapture of her child, her own heart full of the tenderest joy. Where did the Mother learn all this preparation-joy? From Me—a faint echo this of My preparation-joy.

[SIZE="6"][COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Try to see this as plans unfold of My preparing. It means much to Me to be understood, and the understanding of Me will bring great joy to you.


[CENTER][COLOR="DarkOrchid"][SIZE="5"]{{yawka]] See you tomorrow, God Willing{{yawka]] [/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]]

jesus_4_us 20-01-2006 11:30 AM

[LEFT][COLOR="DarkOliveGreen"][SIZE="5"]JANUARY 20[/SIZE][/COLOR][/LEFT]

[I][B][CENTER][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="8"]hapbirth:) (sml21) (sml21) (sml21) AT ONE WITH GOD(sml21) (sml21) (sml21) hapbirth:) [/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER]

[I][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Blue"][LEFT][SIZE="7"]O[/SIZE]ne with Me. hapbirth:) I and My Father are one.hapbirth:) One with the Lord of the whole Universe!
Could human aspiration reach higher? Could man’s demands transcend this? One with Me.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/I]

[I][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Magenta"]If you realize your high privilege, you have only to think and immediately the object of your thought is called into being. Indeed, well may I have said, {{yawka]] “Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.”{{yawka]]
[I][SIZE="6"][COLOR="Green"]To dwell in thought on the material, when once you live in Me--is to call it into being. So you must be careful only to think of and desire that which will help, not hinder, yourhapbirth:) spiritual growth. The same law operates too on the spiritual plane.
[I][SIZE="6"][COLOR="DarkRed"]Think Love, and Love(sml10) surrounds you, and all about whom you think. Think thoughts of ill-will and ill surrounds you, and those about whom you think. Think health—health comes. The physical reflects the mental and spiritual(sml21) (sml21) (sml21) .

[CENTER][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Orange"]{{yawka]] See you tomorrow, God Willing{{yawka]] [/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]

jesus_4_us 21-01-2006 01:58 AM

[I][CENTER][SIZE="8"][COLOR="Red"]hapbirth:) (sml21) A CROWDED DAY (sml21) hapbirth:) [/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]

[COLOR="Olive"][LEFT][SIZE="6"][SIZE="8"]B[/SIZE]elieve that I(sml21) (sml21) (sml21) am with hapbirth:) you, and controlling all. When My Word has gone forth, all are powerless against it.
[COLOR="DarkOrange"]Be calm. Never fear. You have much to learn. Go on until you can take the most crowded day with a song. (@:) )msk:) “Sing unto the Lord.”hapbirth:) The finest accompaniment to a{{yawka]] Song of Praise to Me is a very crowded day. Let Love be the motif running through all.
[COLOR="Blue"]Be glad all the time. Rejoice exceedingly. (sml21) hapbirth:) Joy in Me. Rest in Me. )noP) Never be afraid.{{yawka]] Pray more. Do not get worried. I am thy Helper. “Underneath are the Everlasting Arms.” You cannot get below that. Rest in them, as a tired child rests.[/SIZE][/LEFT]

[CENTER][SIZE="5"][COLOR="Magenta"]{{yawka]] See you tomorrow, God Willing{{yawka]] [/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER][/I]

ÌãíÚ ÇáÃæÞÇÊ ÈÊæÞíÊ ÇãÑíßÇ. ÇáÓÇÚÉ ÇáÂä » 12:11 PM.

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