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قديم 10-03-2005
copticpride copticpride غير متصل
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تاريخ التّسجيل: Mar 2005
المشاركات: 28
copticpride is on a distinguished road
المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة yaweeka
لتكون الشكوى جادة وتلفت الأنظار ، يجب ان تتوفر فيها عدة شروط مثل:
الحديث بالتفصيل عن حدث معين بالتاريخ والمكان واسم الأشخاص الذين وقع عليهم الظلم واسم المشكو فى حقه
- تبيان نتيجة الشكوى للعميد مثلا ، والقصور فى رد الحقوق لاصحابها ان كنتم اشتكيتم اليه
الحديث العام مثل "يضطهدوننا" و " مش واخدين حقوقنا" ... الخ لن يجدى
لابد من توثيق الشكوي ودعمها بالاسماء والتواريخ.... الخ
- حرف ال " ذ" واقع عندك فى الكيبورد ولا ايه؟
- من الممكن ان تنالوا - بعضاً من - حقوقكم لو طالبتم بها
اما ندب الخدود والحظ العاسر فلن يفيد شيئا
اكيد تعرف الجحــــش محمود صالح العبيط ابو قصة خايبة ههههههه
اعرف طالب كان سيمتحن شفوى عنده" كأستاذ منتدب او زائر" (لم يدرس صديقى فى جامعة اسيوط من الاساس) ، قال له اطلع برة بعد ان رد عليه على استهزاءه بإسم زميلة مسيحية دخلت معه نفس اللجنة ...قال له مش طالع وليس من حقك ان تستهزئ بإسمها وصمم على موقفه وقال لمحمود صالح انه متعصب فقال للطالب انه قليل ادب ، فرد عليه بل حضرتك اللى قليل ادب ...حدثت ضجة بعدها تدخل رئيس القسم ( كان يعرف الطالب لأن جارهم استاذ فى الكلية) ومنعه من امتحانه وارسله الى استاذ آخر ليمتحنه وحصل على تقدير امتياز حينها
لا يضيع حق وراءه مطالب ، وعلينا ان نتعلم ثقافة المطالبة بحقوقنا
حتى لو لم نـأخذها الآن ، العيار اللى ما يصيبش يدوش
وان لم نطالب بحقوقنا ف ...موت يا...
I agree, Yaweeka, and I tried that when I graduated some years back, but it did not work. I am not saying that we should not follow your advice, but a mere protest will not work unless there is a strong lobby to back up the different demands. Note that the judge and the persecuter are one and the same in all cases. So what you are eventually doing is protesting to the same person(or same organization) which discriminated against you.

When I graduated from the school of Engineering, Cairo University, it was the accumulated point system that was in place. I was ranked first in the last two years,, I had copies of the grades that were officially posted on the grade boards and signed by the Department head, Provost,Dean for the four years in the Department of my specialization.
The preparatory year (E3dadi) I had the best grade among the students who were challenging me. My accumulative grades were 40 grades higher than my oponents in the four years in my department, and I definitely was better in the prepatory year, so it was a lock for me to get the first rank in my batch. Simple math, adding grades together, nothing more and nothing less.

When they announced the accumulative grades, they ranked me 3nd , exactly 2 points (out of 7500 points) behind the student ranked first, and they took the first two students to be the Teaching assistant (mu3edeen). Official memos to the department head were neglected, and a decision postponed, and when I escalated the matter to the provost and dean they did not give a rat's behind for it. They did not even have an audience with me for about six months, and when they did, I felt I am dealing with the scum of the earth. I had documented all my memos with official tran******s, with my grades, with the competetors grades, but nothing helped.

I contemplated going to the legal system, but I have been advised against it. A professor told me that even if you win, you will be in the hands of the people you challenged and they will make your life as miserable as it can get. In the same time, I found a job in a company and then came to the US,and it worked best for me here.

This is my personal opinion. I am not advocating to be negative, just alluding to the fact that we need a strong lobby, an organized one, and a mature one that can exert pressure .
الرد مع إقتباس