ÇáãæÖæÚ: History of Jihad
ÞÏíã 06-04-2008
ÇáÕæÑÉ ÇáÑãÒíÉ áÜ Ibrahim Al Copti
Ibrahim Al Copti Ibrahim Al Copti ÛíÑ ãÊÕá
ÊÇÑíÎ ÇáÊøÓÌíá: May 2005
ÇáãÔÇÑßÇÊ: 2,143
Ibrahim Al Copti is on a distinguished road
ãÔÇÑßÉ: History of Jihad

Mohammed’s self-delusion is evident in the first phrase in Islam

His self delusion was evident in the first sentence that he preached "La ilah ilallah, Mohammed ur Rasulallah" "There is no god, but allah and Mohammed is his Prophet."

This way he had cleverly removed any competition to himself from any other concept of god. He borrowed his idea of god from the main god of the Quraish - Allah whose image was one of the many that were being worshipped at the Kaaba. But with this first statement, Mohammed also placed himself on a pedestal, that was unique. He was the prophet of god and the last prophet at that, so he brooked no competition ever after.

This kind of a flagrant egoism, earned him many detractors. And when he started preaching that all gods other than Allah were false gods, the Meccans panicked. Since the existence of these many gods brought people to Mecca on pilgrimage and earned the Meccans good money. The aristocracy of the Quraish tribe, saw a grave threat to their own position as intercessors between the lay Arabs and the gods in the Kaaba, as with Mohammed's proclamation, it was he alone who was to be recognized as a prophet and intercessor.

The reason why all Muslim males have Mohammed as part of their name.

Mohammed made himself immortal and omnipresent among the Muslims by making it obligatory that all his followers have his name Mohammed as part of their name too. So today we find names like Mohammed Atta, Mohammed Bin Laden, Mohammed Khatami, Mohammed Ali and so on. It is for this reason, that his followers have been termed “Mohammedans” – the followers of Mohammed, although they do not like this appellation.

Sunnat - Emulating Mohammed's behavior in all respects

Apart from having his name as a part of theirs, Muslims also are paranoid about each and every one of them being a clone of Mohammed. The ritual of emulating Mohammed in everything is called the Sunnat (or Sunnah). Muslim males emulate him in doing everything he did like drinking camel urine, dyeing hair red by using henna, in addition to emulating Mohammed's usual traits of being murderous, lecherous, and deceptive. Emulating their founder's traits are for all Muslims an act of faith! So much for individual liberty in this murder cult called Islam!

The reason for the Conversion of Ali to Islam

In Mecca, Mohammed got the support of his powerful uncle Abu Talib, who never embraced Islam and remained an idolater all his life till his death in 620, but he stoutly defended his nephew Mohammed and his rants against the gods of the Quraish of Mecca.

Mohammed desperately tried to increase his following and he used threats and subterfuge to convert people. He initially targeted his message towards his relatives who were near to him and who could be easily fall for his pernicious plot. His first convert was his wife Khadija who was followed by his slave Zaid. But even in his family circle, he encountered resistance.

Islam’s Abrahamic heritage originated from Mohammed’s Christian wife – Khadija

Before her conversion to Islam, Khadija incidentally had been a Christian, and it was she who introduced the illiterate Mohammed to the biblical stories of Abraham, Issac, Sarah, Hagar, Ismael, Moses, etc. This is how Mohammed incorporated a bastardized version of the bible in his compilation that he called the Quran (from the Arabic word ‘Qurrah’ – to collect). So tt was Christianity that also gave the iconoclastic angle to Mohammed’s ideas, as also the entire Judeo-Christian hangover that is to be seen in Islam. The pre-Islamic pagan Arabs, knew nothing about the Bible or the Torah. The only link that they had with the Jews was the Arabic language that belonged to the Semitic family. Pre-Islamic Arab lore and poetry had no references to Moses, Solomon, Abraham. This Islam owes to Mohammed’s Christian wife – Khajida.

His trusted cousin, who later also became his son-in-law, Ali (Abu Talib’s son) was honor bound to defend Mohammed’s life and limb, but he too initially resisted Mohammed’s coercion to give up the worship of the gods of the Kaaba and to embrace Islam. His father Abu Talib forbade him to embrace Islam, as he himself never did till his death. But both of them as they were close relatives of Mohammed, were honor bound to defend Mohammed and prevent the Meccans from harming him.

After Abu Talib died in 620, Mohammed blackmailed Ali by saying that he could not intercede with allah on behalf of Abu Talib, since he had not given up the worship of the gods of the Kaaba and so Abu Talib was now burning in Hell (Jahannum).

Ali who was then grieving from the loss of his father was emotionally weak as his resistance to Mohammed gradually broke during this emotionally weak phase. He finally fell prey to Mohammed’s blackmail and sought refuge in Mohammed’s cunning subterfuge. This was how Mohammed got his first major youthful convert. Ali was then a strong and brave teenager who was to play a major role in the attacks that Mohammed was to launch on the Meccans and later in the Muslim invasions of Persia and Byzantine.

Why had Mohammed to use his guile to escape from the Meccan plot to murder him, when there was an Allah to save him?

The Meccan Quraish aristocracy, looked upon this as a direct threat to their position and they plotted to murder Mohammed. But the cunning chap that he was, he got to hear of it and gave them the slip and escaped in the dead of the night to Yathrib (Medina). But the fact that he had to escape from his would be assassins in the dead of the night makes one wonder why Allah did not strike dead his assassins, rather than having him flee like a coward from Mecca!

The Hegira - flight to Medina

This led to the second seminal event in Mohammed life, his escape (called migration or Hejira in Arabic) to Yathrib (later renamed Medina by Mohammed ) where lived the rivals of the Meccans. This took place in 622 C.E. (which marks the beginning of the Hejira or Hijri era of the Muslims). In Medina lived two comminutes, the pagan polytheistic Arabs and the Jews. The two communities were often on the warpath and there were innumerable battles between them. We need to note that the Jews were (and are) also of the same ethnic stock as the pre-Islamic Arab tribes. The Arabs were more numerous, but the Jews by virtue of being traders were more prosperous and better organized, they also had built fortresses within and around Medina to defend themselves during their internecine fights with the pre-Islamic Arab tribes around Yathrib (Medina).

In these many battles the Jews were normally victorious against the Arabs. And they used to boast that they would one day wipe out the Arabs when the prophet of god would appear among them.

Why did the Arabs of Medina embrace Islam

Now at Medina, the people knew that Mohammed had been declaring himself to be the prophet of god, and he was on his way to Medina. The Arabs of Medina decided to outwit the Jews by becoming his followers and seek his help in defeating the Jews, before the Jews could get to him. This is why the Arabs of Medina (Yathrib) welcomed Mohammed, in whom they saw an opportunity to break the monopoly of the Jews as also get back at their other rivals the Meccans. It was this that made them sympathetic to him. The Muslims of today would have you believe that they were impressed by his message of worshipping one god, who sole prophet he claimed to be. This is horseshit.

The Arabs of Medina cared two hoots for the bunk that Mohammed parroted to elevate himself as a leader of the Arabs. Abdullah-ibn-ubay, the leader of Medina displayed contempt for Mohammed openly and for this was looked upon with disfavor by Mohammed. But he was powerless to act against Adullah-ibn-ubay at that time, but both continued to be rivals for a long time, till Mohammed with his craftiness eclipse Ubay. Mohammed compelled Ubay to embrace Islam and then declared that Ubay was a Munafqin (hypocrite) or one who had become a Muslim for Munafa (personal gain). In fact all of Mohammed’s followers were in Islam for Munafa, since his promise of plunder and chance to rape captive women of the enemy was what had attracted all the criminals among the Arabs to join Mohammed’s gang.

At his core, Mohammed was nothing more than a power grabber, who slyly used religion to promote himself. And the people of Mecca as well as those of Medina saw through that. It was only that the people of Medina, saw in him a tool to get back at the Jews and the Quraish of Mecca, so some of them decided to prop him up. He had many opponents among the Arabs of Medina too. Prominent among them were the poets, whom Mohammed got murdered to silence their opposition to his schemes.

Mohammed begins his dirty work – with his raids - Ghazawats on Meccan caravans

So we see how his following from among the people of Medina, was thus a political ploy of Medina, against Mecca, to add grist to the mill of an already existent rivalry. There was no lofty reason for which Mohammed got his first converts in Medina (Yathrib). Immediately on getting a following among a people who looked upon Mecca as a rival, Mohammed organized them to take his first revenge on the Meccans, and he started regularly raiding the caravans of the Meccans that passed by Medina. He organized 64 such raids from 622 to 630, of which he personally led 27 raids. These raids were called Ghazawats or Razzias.

Mohammed’s cruelty and guile made themselves evident at the Battle of Badr (2 A.H., 624 C.E.) - the first battle he fought

The Meccans finally got fed up of Mohammed's antics and attacked him in Medina. This led to the first major battle in Mohammed's life - the battle of Badr. The Meccan army was led by Abu Jahal. In this battle, he realized that the far stronger Meccan army could only be defeated by guile. He ordered all the water springs outside Medina, to be sanded-up, so that the attacking Meccans would be without any sustenance. Now this would have been a legitimate tactic in war, but coming from a messenger of god to contrive to starve people of his own clan of water in order to defeat, betrayed Mohammed 's ruthless mentality which showed that he was far from anything saintly!

The Meccans decided to outwit Mohammed and attack Medina during a cloudburst, to obviate the need for water. But the heavily armored Meccan army got trapped in the slushy sands outside Medina and they were thrown in disarray with camels falling over each other in total disorder unable to meet the infantry charges of the Mohammed 's rag-tag, but highly motivated gang.

Mohammed had instructed his followers not to take prisoners and all the Meccans who fell off their camels were instantly beheaded. The carnage that followed led to a complete rout of the Meccans and the victory of a bandit whose followers were to carry forward this bloodied legacy across continents, slaughtering millions of people Abu Jahal, the leader of the Meccan army was trapped under his camel that had lost its balance and fallen to the ground. In this position when he could not fight back, he was beheaded by Umar – the future Khalifa Caliph. His head was presented by Umar to Mohammed who was delighted to see his enemy decapitated. (“Strike of the heads of the non-believers” is the mentality Mohammed drilled into his followers. And this commandment found its way into the Quran whose word is followed by the Zarqawi and Al Qaeda thugs even today).

The defeat at Badr stunned the Meccans into disbelief and there was despondency and mourning amongst the populace. They foresaw worse things to come.

Lust for booty and slaves, spurred the followers of Mohammed

Mohammed spurred his followers with lust for booty and sex slaves. The captured womenfolk were distributed by Mohammed amongst his followers and so was the booty distributed. Thus his followers had greed to motivate them, while the Quraish were fighting a defensive war to protect their caravans from Mohammed 's predatory raids. (As the Americans are today also fighting the War on Terror to keep the oil flowing from the Mid-east oil wells). While Mohammed was fighting to disrupt his adversary (as Osama and Zarqawi are doing today)

Mohammed also drilled into his followers the fantasy that if they died, they would reach heavan (Jann'at) where they would be served upon by 72 virgins (Houris) and pearly eyed boys (for the perverts among his followers). The motivation of the Quraish was to defend their business and way of life, as is that of the Americans today to ensure the flow of oil and defend the Western way of life. In this struggle, Mohammed with his dangling the carrots of booty and slaves along with the fantasy of landing in heaven with its 72 virgins for those who died, was able to ensure that his gangsters (the first Muslims) became insanely paranoid in battle.

They had everything to gain, and nothing to lose. While the Quraish were businessmen, fighting to get rid of a menace to their way of life. This difference in the motivation levels led to the defeat of the Quraish and to successive defeats of the many non-Muslim armies that opposed the Muslims first through Asia, then through Africa and finally through Europe. We Americans would do well to remember this today as we fight the War on Terror (Islam).

Lessons about the Muslim psyche that the Battle of Badr tell us

Badr was the first battle where the paranoid Muslim gangsters which that power hungry megalomaniac of Mecca had gathered around him, showed feats of desperate foolhardiness, that paid off and stunned the opposing forces. This was to repeat itself many a time through the course of Muslim history, thus building a false fantasy that allah was aiding the Muslims. What was aiding them, was no allah, but in fact it was their lust and greed. Mohammed had worked his followers into a frenzy and as a hungry man knows no law, these gangsters, rapists, murders would stoop to any level to defeat an enemy. The world has not yet learnt this fountainhead of Muslim psychology, so cleverly built by the founding father of terrorism - Mohammed -ibn-Abadallah.

We know that every civilization and culture has built a penal code. Similarly, the criminal mind of Mohammed also devised a penal code in such a way that if a Muslim did anything against Islam, he was a Murtad (Apostate) and apostasy had only one punishment in Islam - death. So Islam was, and still is, a one way dead-end street, while you can enter it, there is no way out!

Islamic theology (sic) absolved all crimes if they were committed while fighting non-Muslims

One of the cardinal principles of Islam is that when a Muslim commits any foul and heinous deed in order to bring victory to his gang (of Muslims), Islamic law forgives all those deeds in the name of Muslims waging a Jihad against the Non-Muslims (Kafirs). Mohammed preached contempt for all non-Muslim and told his gangsters that the non-Muslims were living in ignorance (Jahiliyaa) and that he would lead his followers to enlightenment (Ailm or ilm). This enlightenment forgave all acts of rape, murder, torture, as long as they were committed against the non-Muslims (Kafirs).

In all of Islam's existence of 1400 years very few have been able to recognize this heinous nature of Islam. Today those who are fighting the Muslims need to get an understanding of what they are up against, if they are to defeat the Muslims and destroy the threat of Islam once and forever.

What the Jihad Signifies

The battle of Badr marked the beginning of the Islamic terror of Jihad. The Muslims had begun their dirty work. the Jihad was on, and on in earnest. Mohammed gave this name Jihad (from Jahada which in Arabic means struggle) to his war campaign. In reality it was not a struggle, it was in fact genocide against all humanity - since at that time except for the gang of small bandits at Medina led by Mohammed, everyone else was non-Muslim. This defeat of the Meccans in 624, was also the first victory for the forces of that evil genius Mohammed.

Lessons from the Battle of Badr :

In this battle Mohammed ordered for the water springs to be sanded up in this very first battle. This shows that he would stoop to any level to win a war. This is more appalling, as Mohammad masqueraded as a spiritual person, as a prophet of god. If any military commander like Alexander of Hannibal had used this tactic, it would been looked upon as a legitimate one to secure victory. But for a chap who claimed to be prophet of god to do this is beyond words. We do not know whether to call Mohammed shameful or shameless!

This ruthless mentality was passed on to his followers and has become typecast with all Muslims today. So we should always expect any Muslim to stoop to any level. Not just in battle, but even in day-to-day life. This is first lesson in the Legacy of Mohammed as evident in his first Battle at Badr.

The beginning of the Jihad and why Allah has no form

Mohammed’s being an evil genius was also seen in his decision of saying that Allah has no form. There was no lofty or abstract reason for this. This was purely a military tactic. With the Muslim object of worship having no form or shape (and no sense either!), while his Muslim gangsters could go about destroying idols and icons of non-Muslims, the Muslims presented no object to a victorious army to desecrate and destroy, since the Muslim fantasy of allah has no form and was not to be found anywhere, except in the perverted minds of the gangsters of Mohammed.

This was psychological boost to the Muslims who could not be humiliated, in the way they humiliated others. This was the kind of humiliation which the pre-Muslim Quraish were to learn in a few years when Mohammed slyly capture Mecca.

The Battle of Jebel Uhud (3 A.H., 625 C.E.)

The Battle of the Jebel Uhud (Uhud hill) was an extension of the Battle of Badr. The Quraish who were frustrated at Mohammed's continuing assaults on the Caravans, re-organized their forces and attacked Medina once again.

After the defeat at Badr, the Quraish gathered a bigger forces comprising of all able-bodied Quraish men and attacked Mohammed and his gang that was hold up in Medina. This battle took place at a hillock named Uhud near Madina.

In this war Mohammed again promised victory to his followers and told them that as in the Battle of Badr, they would get to plunder the attacking Quraish, who always went to war well stocked with Tents, Carpets, and Cooking Utensils. But this lust for plunder was to make Mohammed taste a military defeat for the first time.

Mohammed had placed a group of archers on the hillock to surprise the attacking Quraish army, while the main portion of the Mohammed’s army would engage the Quraish in the ravine below. It so happened that the Muslim archers who were fighting from an elevation could force the Quraish to retreat. As the Quraish retreated, leaving behind their tents, cooking pots, carpets, the main part of the Muslim army which was facing the Quraish, paused the fighting to collect this plunder left behind by the retreating Quriash. On seeing their comrades helping themselves to the abandoned wealth of the Quriash, the archers left their position on the hillock and came down to share in the spoils of war!

On seeing that the attack of arrows had stopped, the Quraish re-grouped and attacked the Muslims who were by now busy looting the abandoned Quraish Camp. This led to a massacre of the Muslims, and Mohammed himself was hurt by an attack from Khalid-ibn-Walid, the brave Quraish general (who was later to convert to Islam and lend his bravery to the blood-thirsty march of Islam).

This way the Battle of the Uhud hill ended in defeat for Mohammed due to the lust of his gangsters for plunder. Mohammed had to save his ass by beating a hasty retreat into the fortified town of Madina. So much for the divine help that their fiction called allah renders the Muslims in warfare!

Lessons from the Battle of Uhud:

Mohammed was basically a gangster, who in the initial stages found camp-followers by waving the carrot of plunder before them. The first Muslim converts were those hardened criminals who wanted to loot a harried and defeated enemy. So the level of morality among the early Muslims (as also among today’s Muslims) was quite low. Their war discipline was pathetic. After all they were there as Muslims to plunder and rape.

The fact that greed could get the better of the Muslims was the lesson for Mohammed from the Battle of Uhud. Henceforth, he made violation of discipline and retreat from a battle an offense punishable with death. A tradition carried by Muslims till today. This shows the ruthless character of Mohammed, who would be merciless with his own followers if they failed in the objective of defeating an enemy. This coercion played a no small role in the successive victories the Muslims had.

The Muslims could only be defeated, by those adversaries who in turn slaughtered Muslims en masse as happened at the Battle of Tours in 732, in France, a few hundred miles south of Paris , where as a singular exception, the equally ruthless Franks (Ferangis) surrounded the Arab-Muslim army and slaughtered it almost up to the last man and saved France (and Europe) from Islam.

In war, the Muslims could be either victorious or dead. So to defeat the Muslims, they need to be fought to their deaths. A lesson America would do well to bear in mind in the War of Terror.

How brave pre-Muslim Arab warriors like Khalid-ibn-Walid converted to Islam to continue their careers on the battlefield

There is another lesson to be learnt from the Battle of Uhud. At Uhud, the Quraish were led by Khalid-ibn-Walid, who was an inveterate foe of Mohammed in those days and he almost had killed Mohammed at the Battle Uhud. But after Mohammed through his guile, made the Quraish weaker and finally overran Mecca, Khalid saw that he could express his ferocity only if he combined it with the malice and guile of Mohammed and so to continue his military career, he converted to Islam. After his conversion Khalid-ibn-Walid became a very fearsome Muslim general who led the Muslims to victory in the battle of Al Yarmuk against the Byzantines in 12 A.H. (636 C.E.).

Khalid’s conversion and later success itself tells a tale that in the psychology of the Arabs, only if the powerful are also the successful and dangerous, they are respected. Khalid need not have converted to Islam, had he killed Mohammed at the battle of the Uhud hill or had defeated him subsequently at Mecca. But as Khalid could not defeat, Mohammed, he decided that the best way to ensure success for himself was to join the Muslims. Before his conversion, Khalid was ferocious like all Arabs, after his conversion, he became malicious too.

Khalid-ibn-Walid’s conversion to Islam has another lesson for those who fight the Muslims, that the Muslims only understand and respect, strength and cruelty. They treat magnanimity, charity and noblesse with contempt. So we Americans and our allies, will have to re-invent our cowboy spirit and go for the scalps of the Muslims, if we want to be victorious.

If we want to earn the respect and submission of the Arab-Muslims, we need to put the fear of death in them. And this death cannot be the individual death which the Arab-Muslims are eager to seek through their martyrdom (genocide murder) operations, but we need to give them death through the mass slaying of the Muslims with trans-continental thermo-nuclear attacks, that would wipe out millions of them at one stroke. Ruthless and mindless as this may sound today, there is no other way to defeat the beast-like Muslims.

The Battle of the Trench (or Ditch)

In the following year the Quraish built and alliance of different Arab tribes to fight the Muslim gangsters holed up in Medina. They enrolled the help of many tribes, among them were the Banu Ghaftan. This confederacy of tribes, attacked Medina with a huge army. This time the ruse used by Mohammed was to dig a ditch or a trench around the city of Medina. He did this on the suggestion of Salman Farsi (a follower of his who had returned from Persia). This Salman was an Arab who originally lived in Persia and who had been banished by the Persian emperor for his heretical ideas and the crime of fomenting rebellion against the Persian Empire. To avenge his insult, Salman, returned to his homeland Arabia and played a major role in instigating the power crazed megalomaniac Mohammed to form an army to attack Persia.

Muslim sources would want you to believe that this Salman came to Arabia to seek spiritual solace in Mohammed. Nothing could be further from the truth, as Mohammed had only his blood-curdling mentality of blackmail and murder to impose on all his victims. Far from having any kind of benevolent wisdom, Mohammed was a murderer, a pedophile and a scoundrel of the worst kind whose existence was a curse on humankind, a curse from which we still suffer, a curse called Islam

Salman knew that the Persians had this practice of having defensive trenches and moats dug around cities. But the Arabs were unaware of this practice as their battles generally involved attacking and defending passing caravans, and rarely against the few cities that existed in Arabia at that time. And in attacking a moving target like passing caravans, static defenses like moats and trenches played no role.

So when the Quraish confederacy approached Medina, they were confused by the Trench, and they settled for a long siege. Now Mohammed used his third trick of applying pressure selectively on the confederate army and promising the different confederates with friendship if they embraced Islam. Incidentally he did not tell them then that the punishment for anyone leaving Islam was death. An ex-Muslim was a Murtad and had to be killed. At the Battle of the Trench, in the beginning Mohammed's overtures were initially met with scorn. But as the battle became a long drawn one, with the weather turning inclement with sandstorms, hail and rain, some of the confederates decided to withdraw from battle after accepting Islam as a pretext for withdrawing from the battle.

The Quraish had not made the acceptance of Islam a punishable offense, the way Mohammed had ordained death for those leaving Islam. The first of the confederate tribe to fall for the wily Mohammed’s ruse was that of the Banu Ghaftan. After this one by one of the confederates withdrew from the alliance by offering the pretext of embracing Islam.

Finally the Quraish decided that the siege could not continue and lifted it to retreat to Mecca. After the Quraish lifted the siege, Mohammed waylaid those poets and balladeers in Madina who had formally declared themselves to be Mohammed’s followers (and had converted to his creed of Islam), but whom he had suspected of having secretly pledged their loyalty to the attacking Quraish. He ordered that they should be assassinated.

Mind you, these poets were not combatants, they were balladeers, who loved the freedom of worship of the pre-Islamic Arab society, and they decried Mohammed’s tyranny thru their poems and ballads. That was enough for Mohammed to order their assassination. And they had to die not in battle, and not because they had picked up arms against the gangster Mohammed, but because of his sinister plot to murder them when they least suspected that they would be done to death. The Islamic tradition of putting Murtads (apostates) to death had begun on Mohammed’s orders to murder the poets of Medina.

Lessons from the Battle of the Trench :

Here Mohammed used subterfuge, very effectively to undermine a confederacy that was opposing him. The Muslims were to use this tactic in several wars in the following years when the non-Muslim Arab contingents of the Persian (Sassanian) and the Byzantine Armies defected to the Arabs. (This tradition continues today in the Muslim marines in our armed forces like Captain James Yee who operate against American interests while donning the uniform of the military they have pledged to serve.) Throughout the centuries, we have many instances of Muslim contingents in the non-Muslim armies defecting, at the nick of time, to the attacking Muslim army, tilting the balance in favor of the Muslims.

So the lesson for us today is that a Muslim's loyalty is only to his co-religionists, never ever to that of an army of a non-Muslim nation. Those non-Muslim militaries who enroll Muslims in their forces bring inside traitors, who are nothing but snakes on their bosom. Our own experiences with Muslim marines who have turned traitors is a latest example of the trend of subterfuge started by Mohammed in the Battle of the Trench. This is the lesson for us here from the Battle of the Trench.

Mohammed’s Daawat-ul-Islam (ultimatum’s to embrace Islam) to the Roman and Persian Emperors

Emboldened by the victory at the battle of the Trench, Mohammed began casting his greedy eyes on the rich empires to the north of Arabia, whose prosperous cities he had visited when he was working with Khadija’s (his rich first wife) caravans before 610. Since then Mohammed had always coveted the wealth of Byzantine Syria and Sassanian Persia. He now saw his chance to intimate the kings of these empires. He sent out an invitation which asked them to find refuge in Islam “Embrace Islam and you will be safe”, these were the exact words which Mohammed addressed to Heracleus, the Byzantine Emperor and Chroses (Khusrav Pervez, or Khusro, called Kisra by the Arabs), the Sassanian Emperor. (This Muslim tradition of blackmail has not changed. Even today, President Bush is ordered by Zarqawi to embrace the blood-thirsty cult of Islam and seek refuge to find peace.)

But in the 7th century, both the Persian and the Byzantine emperors were stunned by this affront, and not realizing the kind of menace this invitation represented, both reacted with indifference and hostility. The messengers sent by Mohammed were so arrogant, that Khusro, the Sassanid Persian emperor, exclaimed to them that had you not been ambassadors, I would have sent back your severed head to Mohammed.

Heracleus, the Byzantine emperor, himself did not react with hostility, but a vassal of his Harith, the Governor of Syria, punished one of Mohammed’s messengers by attacking him for having delivered such an insulting message to his Emperor. This was reason enough for Mohammed to declare that it was now the duty of the Muslims to attack the Roman Empire! In this Mohammed was biting more than he could chew.

Battle of Mu’ta (Roman Mutas) with the Roman Empire in 7 A.H. (629 C.E.)

Mohammed made his personal slave and one of the earliest converts to join his gang, Zaid, the leader of this expedition. He gave him an army of 30,000 and also deputed another burly roughneck named Jaffar to accompany Zaid as the leader of the army. Mohamed wanted to win this battle so desperately that he decided in advance that there was to be no retreat, and if Zaid was killed, Jaffar would lead the Army, and if Jaffar was killed, Khalid-ibn-walid was to lead the army. Mohammed was desperate for a spectacular victory, since Mecca still lay unsubdued in the South and the Quraish had started to make overtures to the Persians and Romans to help them defeat Mohammed. So Mohammed had to nip these efforts in the bud, by defeating one of the prospective allies of the Quraish.

He also asked Umar, another blood-thirsty killer to accompany the army. Later, Umar was to lead the gang of Muslims, as their Khalifa (Caliph) after Mohammed was poisoned by one of his victims and after Mohammed’s successor and father-in-law Abba (Abu) Bakr died after leading the gang of murderous Muslims for four years. Incidentally, Umar in turn was murdered by Utman, his successor.

But here at the battle of Mu’ta, the disciplined Roman legions and phalanxes caught the Arab Muslim hordes in an impossible position and the result was a massacre of the Arab Muslims. Their ganglord Zaid, Mohammed’s trusted slave was killed, and so was his lieutenant Jaffar, When Umar faced the phalanxes, he chose to turn tail and run into the desert. The band of Arabs being leaderless, Khalid-ibn-Walid who was then a new convert tried to rally the gangsters and promised a rich booty. But thieves and thugs rather run for their lives instead of risking them just for a chance to loot. With the merciless attack from the Roman phalanxes, the murderous but unruly Muslims broke ranks and fled.

Ultimately Khalid-ibn-walid also sought safety in flight. Thus ended the first encounter of the bloodthirsty Muslims with the Roman legions. The Arabic word Rumi (for Roman) is still a term of derision used by the Arabs to refer to Westerners.

Lessons from the Battle of Mu’ta

In spite of a decisive victory, the Romans did not push on against the nascent Muslim aggression into Arabia and destroy Mohammed and his band of bandits utterly. And that too at a time, when the Quraish at Mecca were not yet Muslims and were wanting help from the Romans and the Persians to defeat Mohammed. This was the cardinal folly of the Romans, a folly that was to be committed by many conventional thinking adversaries of the Muslims, over and over again during the following centuries right up to our times till after 9/11!

Very few of us realize that the Muslims are far from being a conventional enemy. They are schizophrenic savages, over whom victory is guaranteed, only after, and only if, all of them are hacked to death. This is exactly what the Muslims have been doing till today to all their adversaries.

Missed Opportunites to Destroy Islam

The cardinal folly of the Romans after their victory over the Muslims at Mu’ta in 629, was preceded by the Quraish after their victory over the Muslims at the battle of Jebel Uhud in 625, and was repeated by the Zoroastrian Persians after their victory over the Muslims at the Battle of the Bridge (Al Jisr) in 636, by the Franks after the battle of Tours in 732, by the Hindus after the Battle of Tarain in 1191, by the Mongols after the Battle of Baghdad in 1258, by the Europeans at the battle of Vienna in 1683 and by many others through the fourteen hundred years of Muslim depredations against humankind. After all these defeats, the Muslims came back to vanquish all these victors, causing manifold suffering death and destruction which could have been avoided had the Muslims been annihilated when they were defeated.

The Persians and the Byzantines (Romans) also did not have the vision and foresight to realize the kind of mortal threat both of them faced in the Muslims (As the Americans the Russians, the Brits, the Aussies, the French, the Germans, the Spanish, the Chinese, the Indians, or the Israelis have today – history is being repeated ad nauseam).

In the 7th century, the Romans and the Persians did not unite nor did they help out each other against the Muslims and went down fighting individually against the Muslim menace. Had they realized the kind of threat that Islam represented and had they paid heed to the repeated appeals by the pre-Muslim Quraish to the kings of Abyssinia, Persia and Byzantium to destroy Mohammed and his band of savage killers, the history of the world would have been far less bloody and our generation would not have had to battle with one billion humans who are today imprisoned in the murderous Muslim creed.

It was only the later Christians who belatedly realized the mortal nature of combat with the Mohammedans and gave a fitting reply to the them at Poitiers (Tours) in 732 and at Vienna in 1683. But that was too late to destroy the Muslim threat to civilization, a task that yet remains to be done and will hopefully be done by the American led Western alliance in the near future before the cause of civilization is totally forever.

We hope the Americans, Russians, Germans, French, Spanish, Chinese, Indians, British, Israelis all realize the gravity and seriousness of the Muslim threat to civilization and they sink their differences to come together in this mortal combat of civilization with Islam.

The Battle with the Jewish tribe of Banu Quraizah

After losing the battle of Mu’ta with the Romans, Mohammed returned to his familiar quarry, the nature-worshipping Quraish and their allies the Jewish tribes. So after the Battle of the Trench, Mohammed turned on his favorite enemy the Jewish tribe of Banu Quraizah. He had in the inception of his claims to being a prophet of some god, has tried to court favor with the Jews by telling them that he had accepted Moses and Abraham as earlier prophets, he being the last one. He also asked the Kiblah (direction of prayer) to be in the direction of Jerusalem. Later when the Jews refused to accept him as a prophet, he changed this direction from Jerusalem to Mecca (after the conquest of Mecca) and then added Jesus as the recognized apostles of god. He had shrewdly till then, to win favor from the Jews, not included Jesus, whom the Jews did not accept.

As the Jews kept resisting his claim as a prophet, he decided to teach them a lesson. He started with the richest of the Jewish tribes the Banu Quraizah who had earlier promised to help Mohammed if the Quraish attacked him. But they gave only half hearted help during the three battles at Badr, Uhud and Trench, so now Mohammed wanted his revenge on the Jews.

He decreed that the Jews had violated the terms of their agreement with the Muslims, and were guilty of high treason they could no longer be allowed to live in Medina. They were ordered to lay down arms and migrate elsewhere. The Jews ridiculed the proposal. So Mohammed besieged their citadel. The siege lasted for twenty-five days. On the last day, Ali carried the citadel by assault. All the Jews were taken captive. Mohammed’s verdict was that all male adults of the Banu Quraizah should be killed in cold blood, their women and children should be sold off as slaves and their property distributed among the Muslims. The Jews were then hacked to death, their heads were sawn off and the heads were piled before Mohammed, much in the same way as Mohammed’s true inheritors, Zarqawi and gang do today!

Lessons from the Battle with the Jewish tribe of Banu Quraizah.

Here Mohammed’s ruthless and bloodthirsty nature became evident. He exulted in the mass murder of the Jews and told his followers that appropriating the property and the women of the Jews was a legitimate booty for the Muslims. This was the practice the Muslims carry with them to this day, and any non-Muslim unfortunate enough to fall into the hands of the Muslims is beaten to death, as happened with the IDF soldiers of the Israeli army who were lynched at the beginning of the second Intifada of the Palestinians.

Since the days of Mohammed, it has been an hoary and a popular ghastly practice for the Muslim to dismember the bodies of the murdered enemies and carry body parts as souvenirs, dance over the corpses of slain enemies and distribute candy whenever Muslims kill non-Muslims. This is what we witnessed in across the Arab world and especially among the Palestinians on 9/11.

Mohammed's guile in the Hudna (Temporary Peace Treaty) of Hudaibiya

After the battle of the Trench in 5 A.H. (627 C.E.), the Quraish did not give battle to the murderous band of the first Muslims that surrounded Mohammed at Medina. So Mohammed decided that it was time for him to launch a Jihad against the Quraish. He cleverly disguised his aggression of Mecca as a Hajj (a pre-Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca), that he wanted to perform in the season in the year 6 A.H. (628 C.E.). When he and his band of one thousand followers arrived at Hudaibiya near Mecca after taking an out of the way route, so as to evade being spotted by the Quraish. On seeing Mohammed and his gangsters at the gates of Mecca, the Quraish got the shock of their lives.

Mohammed the accursed wanting to storm the holiest of holy sites of the (pre-Muslim) Arabs, on the pretext of Hajj. They sent an emissary (Urwa ibn Masud, who was the son-in law of Abu Sufyan, the leader of the Quraish) to Mohammed, asking him to desist from entering Mecca. This emissary went back and reported to the Quraish that Mohammed and his followers were in a rage and would invade Mecca, if they were not allowed into the town. Urwa reported that they were fanatically committed to Mohammed, such that they do not let the water in which he bathes fall on the ground. They collect that water and venerate it. When he cuts his hair they collect his hair and treasure it (in fact strands of Mohammed alleged hair are worshipped - one instance is the Hazratbal Masjid in Indian Administered Kashmir). The Quraish were despondent when their emissary returned to Mecca with these tidings.

Meanwhile Mohammed sent into Mecca for reconnaissance, one of his henchmen named Othman to check the defenses of Mecca. Othman also met the Quraish leaders to negotiate an entry for the Muslims and their gang leader Mohammed into Mecca, but they adopted delaying tactics. When Othman took long to come, a rumor got current in the Muslim camp that Othman had been killed by the Quraish. Thereupon all the Muslims took the pledge that they would fight against the Quraish to seek revenge for the murder of Othman. When the Muslims were poised to take up arms and attack Mecca, Othman returned to the Muslim camp with Suhail ibn Amr, an eminent citizen of Mecca, whom the Quraish sent to negotiate a treaty with the Muslims. This was the Hudna (Temporary Peace Treaty) of Hudaibiya.

Here Mohammed's craftiness comes to the fore. The terms of this treaty included that if any Muslim from the Quraish clan renounced Islam and returned to Mecca, then Mohammed would not hold any grudge against him and not ask for his return, but if anyone from the Quraish embraced Islam and went to Medina, Mohammed would immediately return him to the Quraish at Mecca.

Mohammed told Amr and the Quraish, that he bore no malice towards the Quraish and so he had offered this clause. The Quraish were taken for a ride in this clause, as they also believed that because of this clause no Quraish would embrace Islam, but some of Mohammed's followers would leave Islam and return to Mecca. Actually this clause was a clever ruse of Mohammed, to infiltrate his spies into Mecca, while not allowing any spies from the Quraish to enter Medina.

Over the next two years, many of Mohammed's followers pretended to leave Islam and came and settled in Mecca, thus preparing for the eventual invasion of Mecca that was to take place in 8 A.H. (630 C.E.), when on a frivolous pretext, Mohammed abrogated that treaty and invaded Mecca.

The Hudna (Temporary Peace Treaty) of Hudaibiya demonstrates in a very telling way, the evil genius that Mohammed was. And this character of his has been filtered down to the last Muslim, who uses it to cheat and trick non-Muslims in every small thing in day-to-day life in a practice popularly known among the Muslims as Taquiyya (also spelt as Taqiyya or Taqiya) which means deception.

Pervez Musharraf the President of Pakistan, referred to this Hudna (Temporary Peace Treaty) of Hudaibiya (and to the double-crossing that exists in it), when he announced after 9/11 that he was making a pact with America to fight the Taliban who then ruled Afghanistan and whose guest was that, horror of all horrors, Osama Bin Laden.

Mohammed’s pretext to abrogate the Hudna (Temporary Peace Treaty) of Hudaibiya

After signing the treaty, Mohammed started gathering allies for the final assault on Mecca. Alarmed at his moves, the Quraish also started building up their own alliances. In this scenario a tribe named Banu Bakr allied themselves with the Quraish and another named Banu Khuza'ah joined the camp of Mohammed. Incited by Mohammed the Banu Khuza'ah attacked a caravan of the Banu Bakr whereupon the Banu Bakr attacked the Banu Khuza'ah. This pretext was enough for Mohammed to send an ultimatum to the Quraish (whose allies were the Banu Bakr) giving the Quraish three alternatives. The first alternative was that the Banu Bakr and the Quraish should pay blood money for the victims of Banu Khuza'ah. The second alternative was that the Quraish should terminate their alliance with Banu Bakr. The third alternative was that the treaty of Hudaibiya should be considered to have been abrogated. In a fit of desperation, the Quraish replied that they would neither pay blood money, nor terminate their alliance with Banu Bakr. On this pretext, the wily Mohammed abrogated the Hudna (Temporary Peace Treaty) of Hadaibiya and made preparations for a attack on Mecca.

The forced conversion of Abu Sufyan, the leader of the Quraish of Mecca and its implications for the division of Muslims into Sunnis and Shias

The Meccans realized that Mohammed had tricked them, by using the conflict between the Banu Bakr and Banu Khuza'ah to abrogate the treaty, as he wanted to attack Mecca, for which he now had adequate strength. Mohammed marched on Mecca and laid siege to the city. He had a large army and we are told that when at night fire was lit in the Muslim camp it appeared as if the whole of the desert was on fire The Meccans realized that they were in no position to beat Mohammed on the battlefield and their leader Abu Sufyan decided to go and meet Mohammed to mediate a peace.

Mohammed had already captured the daughter of Abu Sufyan, when she had gone to mediate a peace with Mohammed earlier, and had included her in his harem, so technically Abu Sufyan was his ‘father-in-law’ (sic), Mohammed detained Abu Sufyan and released him only after Abu had embraced Islam. Mohammed had kept Abu’s daughter as a concubine and he now held Abu captive. Mohammed threatened Abu Sufyan with death and his daughter with dishonor. This coercion was the last straw that broke Abu’s Sufyan’s resistance to Mohammed, and he converted to Islam.
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