عرض مشاركة مفردة
قديم 29-05-2009
El-Basha El-Basha غير متصل
تاريخ التّسجيل: Mar 2006
المشاركات: 942
El-Basha is on a distinguished road
مشاركة: Moslems of Egypt...are they all arabs?

do u know when any country called arabian?
if its people speak arabic
and now all egypt speak arabic so
it is Arab Rep. of Egypt
It is also to do with Islamic teaching ....The rotes of Egyptian Moslems are coming from the Arab settlers, which invaded Egypt.

points to explain why Moslems of Egypt love to be called arab

A) Egyptian Moslems loves to be part of the Arab world
so they could be related to their profit "Mohamed"....

B) as per the Mohamed & Islam teaching the "Arab race"... is ranked higher than any other race …... Thus all moslems were toughs Arabic language as part of their Islamic teaching & faith.

That is why the majority of Egyptian Moslems preferred to be called ....Arab... than ...Egyptian

كلمة الصليب عند الهالكين جهالة و اما عندنا نحن المخلصين فهي قوة الله "كور 1 -1:18
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رفعنا قلوبنا ومظلمتنا اليك يارب

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