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قديم 22-04-2008
Servant5 Servant5 غير متصل
تاريخ التّسجيل: Mar 2006
المشاركات: 851
Servant5 is on a distinguished road
My journey through Egypt


A glimpse into the life of non-Muslims under Islamic oppressionBy Jesse Petrilla

I have recently returned to the United States from Egypt where I was on a fact-finding mission to see what life is like for non-Muslims who live under Islam. What I saw was a dire situation of oppression and discrimination that many in America and the West have all but ignored. A place with rampant police brutality and corruption, where non-Muslims are second-class citizens at best, who are brutally victimized on a daily basis. All this in a nation which is a popular U.S. tourist spot, and has been the recipient of American aid in excess of $28 billion in the last three decades[1]. I wanted to learn what life would be like if our enemies and their allies got their way. What I saw was an example of the harsh life in store for future American generations in Islamic-dominated regions of the U.S. if we do not work to bring attention to the issue of Islamic oppression now at this critical time in American history.

My journey began on an EgyptAir flight out of JFK. I was a bit surprised, to say the least, when the in-flight video came on prior to departure and instead of the usual safety video, a picture of a mosque flickered on and a deep-toned recorded voice came on reciting Islamic prayers out of the Koran. I've flown on Israeli airline El Al a number of times as well as hundreds of other global and U.S. airline companies, and I have never experienced a Christian prayer or a Jewish prayer on a flight, and could only imagine the reaction of Americans if an airline carrier were to try. Regardless of the policies and logic of other airlines, apparently a Muslim owned airline feels it fit to assume that all its passengers desire to hear a Muslim prayer, regardless of their faith. The safety video followed and my journey had begun; I was on my way to Cairo and Alexandria to get a feeling of what life was like there for non-Muslims.

The first day, I visited old Cairo. Walking through the alleyways, I visited the many ancient churches there. As I rounded a corner I came upon an old synagogue. Excited to find and learn the experiences of Jews who live there, I entered only to be greatly disappointed and utterly disgusted when I saw the synagogue was filled with hijab-clad Muslim women selling trinkets and postcards inside. It's a museum that I can only assume the government uses to show their "tolerance". I overheard the tour guides speaking of how there "were once Jews here," and I was told that there is only one other synagogue in the city. It makes you wonder if someday there will be regions of America with a museum of the last or second to last synagogue or church. Irritatingly, the Egyptian police refuse to allow anyone to take any photos or video at all of the synagogue either inside or out, and they threatened to take my camera if I questioned their rule.

As I continued through the streets, the afternoon call to prayer began to broadcast from a local mosque, then another mosque, then a third, until the deafening sound of thousands of loudspeakers from mosques all over the city pierced through the air with the call of “Allah akbar” followed by Koranic verses. I recalled how in several American cities including Dearborn, Michigan, sound ordinances have begun to be overturned to allow this to occur in America. I made my way to meet with a friend who is an activist for human rights in Egypt. He showed me the Egyptian constitution which in article II states that Sharia (Islamic) law shall be “the principal source of legislation”[2]. This clause goes for everyone in the nation regardless of faith. My friend told me the stories and showed me photos of young Christian girls who had been kidnapped and forced to convert to Islam, and threatened with death, and their families threatened if they ever convert back. After several days in Cairo, my journey continued to Alexandria where I would visit several churches which had been attacked in recent years.

On the train to Alexandria, we passed through rural villages where I noticed vast amounts of hay on the roofs of many village homes; Our guide told us that the livestock sleep in the house with the people at night, Jokingly I asked if the women sleep out in the stable, but I didn’t receive a definitive answer on that one. It was about this time that I realized the majority of the men everywhere I went had a small round bruise on their forehead reminiscent of something out of the book of Revelation. My guide told me that it was from hitting their head on the floor when praying; He also told me that in Egypt specifically, and perhaps elsewhere, some men heat up a metal spoon in a and stick it on their forehead to accentuate the bruise, it seems you aren’t cool unless you have the mark. As we stepped off the train in Alexandria, a police officer approached and told my Egyptian Coptic friend that he did not have a license to be my guide, desiring a bribe before he would leave us alone. This had not been the first time in the trip that a cop came up looking for money. It seemed every time I took out my camera, a police officer would show up to tell me I couldn’t take any pictures and would have to pay him a nominal fine. Usually the officer would not be looking for a bribe of more than ten or twenty dollars, and thankfully our guide was able to talk officers out of it the majority of the time. We went to a local hotel where I turned on the television to see the Statue of Liberty in flames; Disgusted, I changed the channel only to see a video clip of a small child ing with her arms in the air, spliced in with images of U.S. soldiers. The video cut to a bleeding boy lying on the ground in obvious anti-American propaganda, yet to the right of the boy you could see a U.S. medic helping the injured child, no doubt hurt by Jihadist terrorists, but you certainly wouldn’t know that from the tone of the video.

Our first stop in Alexandria was the Church of St. George, the site of a brutal attack in 2005 where a Muslim in his early 20s entered as a prayer service was finishing. He shouted "Allah akbar" and stabbed a nun in the chest with a knife. Several days after the stabbing, an angry Muslim mob also attacked the church, brandishing sticks and throwing rocks at the Christians. Numerous cars and Christian-owned businesses in the area were torched, and in the end, three people were dead from the violence, all of it being sparked by unsubstantiated reports about a theatrical production that occurred at the church which was rumored to have offended Islam. I attended a prayer service there, and every 15 seconds over loudspeakers aimed at the church from the mosque next door, the Muslims were yelling at the Christians. “Allah akbar! Allah akbar!” they would yell among other things in an attempt to disrupt the prayer. This was entirely outside of the five daily calls to prayer which come over the same loudspeaker. It was intimidation designed entirely to disrupt Christian prayer, and stopped as soon as everyone left after the service was over. I took a short video of the incident, and posted it on YouTube.

My next stop was the Church of All Saints. When I arrived, I saw a large mosque directly across the street and another on the other block. This was the same case with the previous church I had visited, and my guide explained that as soon as they built the church, mosques went up all around it. Yet today it has become nearly impossible to get a permit in the country to construct a new church anywhere. The Church of All Saints was another site of an attack which occurred in 2006 where a Jihadist entered and began stabbing church-goers while yelling the familiar phrase "Allah akbar". In all, he attacked three churches that day, critically wounding many and killing a 78-year-old man. Yet the government dismissed him as only an isolated mentally ill madman.

I met with many people during my trip, and I learned a great deal about what it is like to live as a minority under Islam. I spoke with a priest who told me how he can see the younger generation of Christians there becoming more and more Islamized. I spoke with a man who told me how his young Christian children are taught in public schools there that they are going to hell if they do not become Muslims. I saw brutal intimidation and oppression, and a life dictated by Islamic law that many Americans don’t realize but are slowly beginning to see. Before we left, our guide showed us his ID card which had a glaring number 2 in the corner. He told me that Christians are required to have that number on their IDs. I asked if Muslims were required to have a number as well. “Yes,” he responded. “Number 1.”

[1] http://www.usaid.gov/our_work/features/egypt/
[2] http://www.egypt.gov.eg/english/laws...e/part_one.asp
لولا وجود الشر فى العالم ما عرفنا معنى الخير
الرد مع إقتباس
قديم 22-04-2008
shootafar shootafar غير متصل
Silver User
تاريخ التّسجيل: Mar 2007
المشاركات: 285
shootafar is on a distinguished road
مشاركة: My journey through Egypt

it is not easy for a non Egyptian or middle eastern to grasp the hardships of everyday living of non-muslims in middle east, we can understand that but what we can't understand is ; how the western world is all open to muslims from every spot on earth & very strict when it comes to minorities like copts, is it because immigration criteria is based on parameters other than race or religion!!! well if someone applies for a job in a firm whether it is called an equal oppertunity employer, the applicant should be fit for the job and stay under probation for a period of time, why immigration should be any different , when a country finds out that certain group of people with a common race or religion are not fit for their communities why they keep the door wide open for others from the same ethinicity or religion to come over and change the face of that country, after September 11 the whole free world should have detoxified their lands from islam and all the islamogens, but because real humans consider muslims as humans and can't imagine that a religion like islam can be full of all this hatred and prejudice against all non-muslims they didn't, all i hope for is that the free world learns the lesson if still wants to be called free.
الرد مع إقتباس
قديم 22-04-2008
El-Basha El-Basha غير متصل
تاريخ التّسجيل: Mar 2006
المشاركات: 942
El-Basha is on a distinguished road
thu مشاركة: My journey through Egypt

Thanks dear shootafar for this
disturbing true facts about Christians Whom are still in Egypt.

In simple terms ….
Living under Islamic system is a clear policy of zero tolerance to any minority or groups. This is the Islamic fundamental way to heaven…. is to make the life like hell to all others humans….our duity ( Me,you & each COPTIC )is to help the West to understand these facts

آخر تعديل بواسطة El-Basha ، 22-04-2008 الساعة 11:38 PM
الرد مع إقتباس
قديم 25-04-2008
shootafar shootafar غير متصل
Silver User
تاريخ التّسجيل: Mar 2007
المشاركات: 285
shootafar is on a distinguished road
مشاركة: My journey through Egypt

Dear El-Basha
many of the copts are not affliated with coptic organisations, due to different reasons .
individually we are not that strong not to mention we lack the proper channels that makes the world hear us , copts have to start targeting media , believe me still many many people don't know the difference between Egyptians and Arabs just because we speak the language, many don't know that we are the descendants of ancient Egyptians , and because many don't know what islam did to our people in Egypt they think of us as fanatics because of what we show towards islam and how we talk about what happened with our people 1400 years ago and still going on , i talked to many people from different parts of the world , some of them know what muslims do in the name of islam and some of them still can't understand that the common evil in all islamic ruled countries is islam itself.
we have to learn from the jewish communities in the west how they promote their acknowledgement by people , how they gain support & respect of nations , how they were able to build big communities support eachother and still base their roots in Israel.
It takes more than just good intentions for us to inforce our rights, and gain respect and what i see is that there is many conflicts between organisation and church and inbetween organisation and on individual level too, we have to unite first and set specific goals and work our way to universal recognition and rights.
الرد مع إقتباس
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