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Family Of Four Murdered In Jersey City
Family Of Four Murdered In Jersey City Jan 14, 2005 3:54 pm US/Eastern (JERSEY CITY) Four family members were found slain in their home Friday morning. All were bound and gagged, and their throats were slashed, First Assistant Hudson County Prosecutor Gaetano T. Gregory said. Jersey City police broke down the door to the home about 4 a.m. after concerned relatives said they had not heard from the family for several days, authorities said. The victims were Hossam Armanious, 46; his wife, Amal Garas, 36; and their daughters, Sylvia Armanious, 16, and Monica Armanious, 8. No arrests had been made as of Friday afternoon. Investigators spent the morning at the family's house near the Hudson County Courthouse, donning white boots when entering the green, two-story wood frame home. The porch was bedecked with Christmas decorations including tinsel lights, red bows and garland wrapped around the handrail. Hossam Armanious bought the house in November 2000 for $96,500, records show. Ayman Garas, brother of the slain woman, told reporters his sister was "a very peaceful person." "She's got nothing against anybody," Garas said. "I have no answers." The younger girl attended P.S. 6, around the corner from the home, while her sister went to Dickenson High School. School authorities had no immediate comment. "I feel very, very bad," said Mohammed Riaz Khan, who lives across the street from the victims. "They were a nice family." "They were good people," added Betty Garro, who works as a housekeeper next door. Authorities reportedly were investigating whether a former tenant, who had had a dispute with the family, was involved. http://1010wins.com/siteSearch/local...014102200.html |
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![]() Four Family Members Slain In Jersey City Family's Throats Were Slit POSTED: 11:39 am EST January 14, 2005 UPDATED: 11:51 am EST January 14, 2005 JERSEY CITY, N.J. -- Four family members were found slain Friday morning in their home, their throats slit, authorities said. The family -- a man, woman and two children -- was discovered at 4 a.m. after relatives reported the four had not been heard from in several days. The bodies were found bound and gagged, and their throats were slashed, said First Assistant Hudson County Prosecutor Gaetano T. Gregory. Jersey City police officers broke down the door to the family's house near the Hudson County Courthouse and found the bodies of Hossam Armanious, 46; Amal Garas, 36; Sylvia Armanious, 16; and Monica Armanious; 8. Autopsies were to be conducted on the bodies later Friday. No arrests had been made as of late Friday morning. WNBC-TV in New York reported authorities were investigating whether a former tenant, who had had a dispute with the family, was involved. "I feel very, very bad," said Mohammed Riaz Khan, a neighbor who lives across the street from the victims. "They were a nice family." "They were good people," added Betty Garro, who works as a housekeeper next door. Authorities were milling about on the front porch and inside the green two-store wood frame home, which was still bedecked with Christmas decorations including tinsel lights, red bows and garland wrapped around the handrail. http://www.nbc10.com/news/4083018/detail.html |
أنا لا أستبعد أن يكون هذا عمل إرهابى إسلامى
معجزة محمد الواحدة والوحيدة هى أنه أقنع من البشرالمغفلين مايزيد على مليار ونصف يصلون عليه آناء الليل واطراف النهار ومن المؤكد أنه لن يعترض على كلامي هذا إلا غلماانه نازفى المؤخرات وحورياته كبيرات المقعدات " كن رجلا ولا تتبع خطواتي " حمؤة بن أمونة |
Is there anything that can be done to help find the animals who committeed this horrible and unspeakable crime ??Is it possible for one of the bright Copts to set up a web site that gives information about what happened and may help getting information about the savage criminals? May God rest the souls of the victims in peace.
![]() 'islamic Hate' Eyed In Slays January 16, 2005 -- The father of a murdered New Jersey family was threatened for making anti-Muslim remarks online — and the gruesome quadruple slaying may have been the hateful retaliation, sources told The Post yesterday. Hossam Armanious, 47, who along with his wife and two daughters was found stabbed to death in his Jersey City home early Friday, would regularly debate religion in a Middle Eastern chat room, one source said. Armanious, an Egyptian Christian, was well known for expressing his Coptic beliefs and engaging in fiery back-and-forth with Muslims on the Web site paltalk.com. He "had the reputation for being one of the most outspoken Egyptian Christians," said the source, who had close ties to the family. The source, who had knowledge of the investigation, refused to specify the anti-Muslim statement. But he said cops told him they were looking into the exchanges as a possible motive. The married father of two had recently been threatened by Muslim members of the Web site, said a fellow Copt and store clerk who uses the chat room. "You'd better stop this bull---- or we are going to track you down like a chicken and kill you," was the threat, said the clerk, who was online at the time and saw the exchange. But Armanious refused to back down, according to two sources who use the Web site. Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah Healy would neither confirm nor deny that cops and prosecutors were looking into the religion motive, saying only that "nothing is being ruled out." But a relative of the mayor who answered the phone at Healy's home said there was information the murders were "religion-related." "There are several theories we are looking into, but we are not commenting on any of them at this time," said Hudson County Assistant Prosecutor Guy Gregory. Armanious' fervor apparently rubbed off on his daughter, Sylvia — who would have turned 16 yesterday. "She was very religious and very opinionated," said Jessica Cimino, 15, a fellow sophomore at Dickenson HS. A family member who viewed photos of the bloodbath said Sylvia seemed to have taken the most savage punishment. "When we saw the pictures, you could tell that they were hurt really, really bad in the face; especially Sylvia," said Milad Garas, the high-school sophomore's great-uncle. The heartless killer not only slit Sylvia's throat, but also sliced a huge gash in her chest and stabbed her in the wrist, where she had a tattoo of a Coptic cross. Also found murdered were the wife, Amal Garas, and the parents' other daughter, Monica. Fred Ayed, the deacon at St. George and St. Shenouda Church, where the deeply religious family attended services, said he's worried that the murders could have a ripple effect. "I am concerned for the safety of our community," said Ayed, who knew Hossam for 30 years. "People are scared because one family was slain like cows," said Moheb Ghabour, publisher of a local newspaper for the Coptic community. Osama Hassan, director of the Islamic Center of Jersey City, described the relationship between Copts and Muslims as cooperative if not friendly. "I think there might be people that can get into physical fights, but not to the point of murder," Hassan said. Both the deacon and uncle poured cold water on the theory that the family were the victims of a robbery gone wrong. "This is not a robbery, Ayed said. "We found all of the jewelry in the house. They didn't take anything." The FBI confirmed it has been called in to help with the case. http://www.nypost.com/news/regionalnews/38704.htm |
ايها الأقباط يجب ان ننتقم
ولكن بشكل اخر ان دماء هؤلاء الشهداء سفكت في سبيل المجال الأعلامي اي (النت يعني) لذلك يجب ان يكون ردنا في نفس المجال الأعلامي يعني واقول لكم يجب ان يكون اطلاق الفضائية القبطية قريبا جدا علشان نشوف حيعملوا اية بعد كدة |
oh my god !!!!!
this is horrible!!!! |
عملا بمبدأ التقية الأسلامى المحمدى .. أوردت صحيفة الأخبار القاهرية العنصرية خبر مقتل العائلة القبطية بنيوجيرسى وبأسلوب ملتوى لتعمية القارئ المصرى عن معرفة الحقيقة معللة أن سبب الجريمة لها علاقة بالمستأجر السابق ..
كيفي يكون هناك مستأجر والبيت مملوك للمجنى عليه وليس ببيت مؤجر؟ منذ متى يا صحيفة الأخبار أن الغرب المتحضر يحسم مثل هذه الخلافات التافهة مثل الأيجار بذبح الخصم وجميع أفراد أسرته حتى النساء والأطفال بعد تقييدهم وتكميمهم حسب الشريعة الأسلامية؟ هل ستنضم صحيفة الأخبار إلى طابور الصحف الصفراء الأسلامية المجاهدة فى الدفاع عن الأسلام المهلهل مثل النبأ والأسبوع؟ ------------------- جريمة بشعة في أمريكا العثور علي أسرة مصرية مذبوحة في منزلها القتيلان حسام أرمانيوس وزوجته أمل جراس في حادث بشع لقيت أسرة مصرية مكونة من أربعة أفراد مصرعها في نيوجيرزي بأمريكا. عثرت الشرطة علي أفراد الأسرة مذبوحين وجثثهم مقيدة ومكممة. ونقلت صحيفة نيويورك تايمز عن مكتب الادعاء في منطقة هدسون ان الشرطة اكتشفت ان ضحايا الحادث هم حسام أرمانيوس (46 سنة) وزوجته أمل جراس (36 سنة) وابنتاهما سيلفيا (16 سنة) ومونيكا (8 سنوات) وتم اكتشاف الحادث بعد بلاغ تقدم به شقيق الزوجةويدعي أيمن بعد انقطاع أخبار الأسرة لأكثر من يومين. ورفض الادعاء التعليق علي الدوافع أو المشتبه فيهم المحتملين وأكد ان التحقيق يجري في القضية بينما قال ضابط شرطة أن المحققين يحاولون الكشف عن وجود نزاع بين المجني عليهم ومستأجر سابق للمنزل [U]حيث لا يوجد ما يكشف عن اقتحام المنزل بالقوة وأن المرجح أن الأسرة تعرف الجاني أو الجناة. وتعتقد الشرطة وقوع الحادث يوم الثلاثاء الماضي. وأكد شقيق الزوجة ان الأسرة كانت تستعد للاحتفال بعيد ميلاد الابنة الكبري أمس السبت http://www.elakhbar.org/issues/16453/0100.html |
صحيح ولاد ابن امنه البلطجي...واحفاد القرصان..حمامه
مسيحي من الارض المصريه القبطيه المحتله الي الابد قويه يامصر بالمسيح |
عزيزي الفرعون
رجاء تتابع الموضوع في الجرائد عندك و تقول لنا اخر ماوصلت اليه التحقيقات
مسيحي من الارض المصريه القبطيه المحتله الي الابد قويه يامصر بالمسيح |
يوم فرح بالشهداء
![]() ![]() ولسوف ياتى يوم قريب يفتضح فيه الفاعل الحقيقى والذى لم يستطع ان يجابة الكلمة بغير الأرهاب لأسكاتها ولكن هيهات للأرهاب ان يسكت الكلمة |
مره اخرى اقول ان من واجب اقباط امريكا وخاصه الموجودين في نيو جرسي ان يبذلوا كل الجهد لكي يتم القبض علي القتله في اسرع وقت وهذا يحتاج الي وضع ضغط علي سلطات الامن وابقاء هذه الجريمه البشعه حيه في اذهان الناس...وجود موقع علي النت حول هذه الجريمه قد يساعد علي حلها
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