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amoni 13-11-2003 05:03 PM

hey every body
hey every body, my name is mariam, i am also Aerospace engineering student. I just want to introudce my self first then ask lol. well, yesterday we were talking a bout Columbia space shuttle, Do u think Jesus has to do with the Columiba accident because all of us know that the mistake was so small mistake even a big astrounat can realize it after a few of seconds, so is it because of Jesus does not want us to go into the space or what? and if u see in the old days, when Apollo failed also, so it is odd
allright my name is again mariam
i am a new memeber
i know it is not that big deal

sce37 13-11-2003 05:29 PM

Leave faith @ lab door
Hi Eng. Mariam NASA

Let me assure you that you are welcomed to your home family.

We will seek your participation from now on.

This world was inherited by human
to conclude the creation God rested - then - created man
Now his creation keeps going on through man/woman
His Greatness fulfilled us with creativity live - methods - minds - feelings - 000 etc.

You say the space shutller Colombia collapsed because of an error

Man learned the lesson

now we correct our means to fly on space

man creates a new methods to shuttle the near space

Man is still - a creator - as the creator have made him

Neil’s Boher; have claimed that " Faith; I append at the door of this/my lab."
He was a real Christian
Do not leave your scientific attitude be driven by your spiritual feelings.

Mirage Guardian 13-11-2003 05:37 PM

Sorry mariam but i can't get your point

what is the relation between Columbia space shuttle & Jesus

amoni 13-11-2003 05:41 PM

hey sarab
sarab ana kont ba2sod, rban mish 3ozna netla3 el fada2 3alshan keda every space shuttle fail from time to time, if u still remember apollo. so is it religious thing? ana kaman a3raf min 5elal my studying that all the mistakes in this space shuttles were so easy and not that hard to understand from expert scientist.
did u get it now?
so what is the relationship? and can u get me versus from the bible that says that Jesus does not want us in the space?

Mirage Guardian 13-11-2003 05:51 PM

rofl, No dear.. there is nothing prevent christian people from doing any kinda researchs

I think some moslemen "khelwateia" prevent that and call this thing "Ghabar ya3lo 3n el-ard" according to some Quraan ******s

وبعدين لحظة.. ما انتى بتتكلمى عربى لبلب اهه

amoni 13-11-2003 06:02 PM

ayoha, ana batkalm 3arbia, asl ana hena fe Americya min 2 years bas. well shoukran for answering but i am asking a bout law fe el mosta2bal, e7na 7awlna neta5alat ma3a (ma5lo2at el fada2) or the alience, is any thing prevent us of doing that?
like marriage, eating, drinking, working with,
sorry i believe in that stuff so much lol
yala ba2a
rbna ma3ak

Mirage Guardian 13-11-2003 06:48 PM

الأخت مريم..

ألا تتفقين معى فى أنه قبل البحث فى أمور العلاقة مع الكائنات الفضائية من زواج وعمل وأكل إلخ إلخ
نحتاج أولاً أن نفهم طبيعة هذه الكائنات هل تتزاوج بطريقتنا أو تأكل وتشرب ولها جهاز هضمى مثلنا أم لا؟
الأمر يحتاج لدراسة علمية اولا..
وبالطبع لا نستطيع إجراء مثل هذه الدراسة بدون عينة من الكائنات الفضائية نفسها..
قبل أن نشغل بالنا بأمور المستقبل.. لابد أن نهتم كيف نصل إليه..

"فلا تهتموا للغد لان الغد يهتم بما لنفسه يكفي اليوم شره" (متى 6 : 34)

تحياتى وتقديرى

amoni 13-11-2003 07:00 PM

well, Thank u again
i am just 18so lol that o7't thing make me so old, even my sunday school kids call me marmar or mariam. ana 3arfa en el ma5lo2at el 3'areba de we do not know any thing a bout it. but if between youm we lela you have them infront of u talking to u asking u for food or teaching them ur habites and traditions. i think it is a common thing to prepare ur brian in the future. well i do not have my bible now in my work but i will try to find parts. i think that the bible must got some stuff in that topic, the bible never left something alone,
rbna ma3ak

sce37 14-11-2003 12:23 PM

In my life I was attracted to 3 cases of UFOs.
1* USSR . people use to claim of a strange flight; never indicated on RADAR.

Later it was known as USA black Bird.

2* UK farmers discovered circular prints on maze fields.

Later they discovered it was a trick played by twin farmers – just for fun.

3* Ostrich ( Nimsa ) – They photographed a UFO film.
This move still on net – They explain in details how the photographer invented it with a can.

These tricks was played too in Ghost mares.
Sorry, you better be a rational scientist – Believe what you can test.

amoni 14-11-2003 04:06 PM

wow, that is really so great, but u know most of the U.F.O's i studied was faked lol. I mean some ppl would fly a plat in the dark and take a picutre of it and say here we go we have a U.F.O but after like 3 or 4 years they discover it is just a plate lol. so all of it is just faked. i am trying to read more i am just still a beginner but in God's well i will be in my way. as the First Egyptian woman astrounat. i know it is kinda of hard but Jesus and me are trying. So what do u think a bout i said a bout that faked U.F.O's.

pray for me

kokotoni 14-11-2003 04:16 PM

أرجو أن يتسع صدركم لمداخلتي لأدلي بدلوي بين الدلاء

للرب الأرض و ملؤها المسكونة وجميع الساكنين فيها

Remember that God created the man upon his own image - and crowned Adam to be the king above all the creation
and therefore there is nothing in this Universe that God created would be forbidden for man to access or reach.

Early 20th Century, Titanic sank in the Atlantic Ocean before reaching its final destination - and that was its first and last sailing trip - They called it the UNSINKABLE TITANIC - but it did, that was because of the engineer who designed it had said while building the ship: " Even God Can not make this ship go down"...

In about 1986 you probably heard about "Challenger" the Space Shuttle that exploded just after few min after taking off Whom was it challenging -

Probably those who are responsible of these programs learned the lesson and when the sent a vehicle to discover Planet Mars - they called "Path Finder" so the humbled themselves before the Lord.

Sometimes the Pride of man would prevent him to see God's among events, and he feels that he is powerful enough to achieve his own prosperity without permission or the Grace of God

What I want to say here, is God gave us mind to think invent and prosper but we should always remeber that He is the PANTOKRATOR - (All Mighty) or Dabet El Kol

And he would allow such accidents for a certain purpose, but not to stop the whole process

I hope you got my point

Sorry, for writing in English as it's easier for me - I use the arabic keyboard site sometimes - but this message was long

God Bless

Mirage Guardian 14-11-2003 05:02 PM

مداخلة رائعة يا كوكوتونى 10)10

تحياتى لتأملاتك

kokotoni 14-11-2003 05:27 PM

Thanks Mirage Guardian

ربنا يقويك & Congrats

amoni 14-11-2003 05:39 PM

That is great
well, it is great to have that kind of mind, who is thinking a bout the outer limit. i mean do not every body have that kind of questions what is after the space and what is up there? and every body need to reach that outerlimit with alot of enthusiuthim. I am that kind of person but in the space time i do not want to make god sad from me. sometimes thinking a bout the outer space make u reach God's limits. and creations. and when u look at the scientists in my college u will find them crazy a bout that stuff. i mean Titanic, the mistake was natural, the Appollo space shuttle, the mistake was natural. but in Columiba the world kindda waked up to say hey what is going on Jesus? u do not want us to reach the outer limits wala eyeh? that kinda of questions. what if u waked up one day to find that the atoms talk?? did u think of that before lol or the atoms have a real mind to move from place to other?? did u think of that before? and all enstien theories failed in one day and all bohar's models fail in one day?? what will u do?
will u live with it?

just pray that is that not true

sce37 14-11-2003 06:04 PM

God; Do we have a spacewoman and a golden KOKOTONI in this life?
What we have to complain of then !

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