عرض مشاركة مفردة
قديم 30-03-2005
الصورة الرمزية لـ amoni
amoni amoni غير متصل
Gold User
تاريخ التّسجيل: Nov 2003
الإقامة: في قلب مسيحي
المشاركات: 1,626
amoni is on a distinguished road
دعوة لاغلاق البال توك

وصلتنى هذة الدعوة علىالايميل الخاص و المسلمين عاملين مظلومين و المسيحين هوما اللى متوحشين
To: Paltalk
Mr Jason Katz,

We the following feel shocked and appauled that such a commodity as Paltalk is being used by certain elements and parties to harvest hate against ethenic minorities, in particualar against the Islamic faith. To us this is racist and unacceptable and a sickness that should not be tolerated for long. Racial terminoligy and profanity have been used in G-rated rooms by certain parties who shall rename nameless unless their nomenclature is required. A suffering to which children have been subjected and their young minds wrongly manipulated to feel hate towards certain elements. We feel it is your responsibility to put an end to this.
Hence we ask of you to correct such wrongs before the hate consumes more people and causes more pain for some. Racism is something that the better part of the world condemns and doesnt allow. We, the undersigned hope that we can soon count Paltalk, a community of four million that stretches across the globe among that better part.


The Undersigned



اية رائيكم فى الكلام دة

باين عليهم مش قادرين يتكلموا و انهم اتهزموا
From all the things i have lost i miss my mind the most
الرد مع إقتباس